PM Spirits

Provider of Geeky Spirits

French Whisky & the US market

Nicolas Palazzi

France is renowned as a top whisky consumer and has a strong distilling tradition with Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados and such. French whisky production began in the early 1980s, and in 40 years, over 50 distilleries and 15 bottlers have emerged. It’s been getting easier and easier to make whisky in the Hexagone. For ex, laws used to restrict Cognac producers to their specific spirit, but now, stills used to make Cognac can produce gin, whisky, or other spirits when they are not in use.

But despite the steady increase in French whisky production, there's a clear lack of branding and consumer brand awareness for the stuff.

In the U.S., recognizable whisky brands like Macallan and Johnny Walker and Dewar’s do well and lesser-known brands struggle. Many independent bottlers and smaller brands (by “smaller” i mean less recognized) have little to no traction.

The market currently has little to no demand for French whisky; those bottles are very likely to remain on shelves without significant brand-building efforts.

To be successful in the U.S., I feel French whisky producers need to build their brand and create awareness, both for the category and at the individual distillery level, tell a story genuinely, humbly, in a relatable manner, using all platforms and adapting content to them.

Understanding the culture of the target audience is key, and it can't be done from afar. It requires spending time on the ground and observing/learning. It might lead to tweaking the offering a little bit as a way to adapt to the market's specificity. Not everything can sell everywhere.

Success can't happen without tasting people on the stuff, relentlessly (no importer yet? That's ok. Look for the expats working on/off-prem in the main French cities, those who care. Make friends, if the product is good, turn them into evangelists, ask them for introductions to their friends/colleagues in the U.S., go meet these people and/or welcome them at the distillery next time they travel, taste them on your stuff...)

This is a long-term effort; it needs patience and consistency. Thinking large advertising and promotional budgets are needed would be misguided. Brands have it a lot harder trying to peddle their branded message. Genuine is the way.

Be strategic, story-driven, persistent and real, make a lot of friends and super patient.